New Algorithm – Google ZEBRA Algorithm

If you are an SEO, then you definitely had come across the Word’s Google Panda or Google Penguin. In fact they are notgoogle algorithm just words but well written Search Algorithms developed by Google to SPANK Spammers & other people websites who do a lot of Black Hat Spamming Techniques etc.

While the impact of these Algorithms is very High as most of the webmasters had suffered & were demoted in Search Engine Rankings during this period with Google Panda focused site content and on-site elements, Google Penguin mainly focused on off-site issues. and the zebra is mainly concentrated on social networks.

Now the Talk of SEO Town is Google going to implement a New Algorithm called GOOGLE ZEBRA.

1 Large contain keywords connection forwarding.

2. facebook update contains too many are not like the industry With similar google+ sharing looks like     garbage.

3. brand has a knowledge used to obtain seo benefits pinterset page.

google algorithm

If you create good content, which content may be some areas where bloggers sharing, and then you need to start to pay attention to it, google does not want anyone to be able to mess up their rankings. Social networking is time to start cleaning up the next, zebra algorithm being updated.